Tulsa Drug Possession With Intent Attorney

Have you or a loved one been charged with possession with intent to distribute or sell controlled drugs? If the answer is yes, then you need to speak to a Tulsa drug charges lawyer immediately. Drug possession with intent to distribute or sell is a felony and it is a far more serious charge than simple drug possession and carries stiff penalties under Oklahoma criminal law. Drug distribution is similar to drug trafficking but it is typically on a smaller scale. However, you still need to consult with a drug distribution lawyer in Tulsa to mount a defense against the charges.

Oklahoma Possession With Intent to Distribute Penalties

Possession with intent to distribute or sell is a felony drug crime in Oklahoma. A first offense carries a minimum of 2 years in prison to a maximum of life in prison and a fine up to $20,000.00. A first time offender may be eligible for a deferred or a suspended sentence, depending upon the drug type and the quantity seized. A second or subsequent offense carries a minimum of 4 years in prison to a maximum of life in prison, and a second offense is not eligible for a deferred or suspended sentence. In other words, a second or subsequent offense carries mandatory prison time. The legal consequences of a drug distribution conviction are life-changing, and can have long-lasting affects on your personal life, your employment, and your liberty. Contact a Tulsa drug charges lawyer immediately after being charged with drug distribution in Oklahoma.

Defense for Drug Distribution Charges in Tulsa Oklahoma

In order to be convicted for possession with intent to distribute, law enforcement must have evidence to support the intent to sell. While no one will truly “know” whether a person had the intent to sell controlled drugs, the police will look for some of the following circumstantial evidence to support the intent to sell:


Packing materials, lab equipment, and baggies

Large sums of cash or unexplained wealth

Guns and ammunition

Client lists or notations of drug sales

Large quantities of drugs

Cell phones, text messages, and pagers

If the police do not have sufficient evidence of the intent to distribute, then only simple possession charges can be filed. However, the police are always eager to find enough evidence support a conviction, and they may have broken the law by conducting an illegal search and seizure. The police are not permitted to search your person, your car, or your home without just cause, your consent (which you should NEVER give), or a valid search warrant. If we discover that the police conducted an illegal search and are able to prove it in court, then the evidence against you may be thrown out. This may lead to a reduction or a dismissal of your Oklahoma drug charges.

We understand you are facing charges that can forever change your life and this is why you need the services of a Tulsa drug charges lawyer. We will examine the evidence against you and vigorously defend your case. Call the Henson Law Firm now for your FREE initial consultation.