Possession of Marijuana in Tulsa Oklahoma


Possession of marijuana (pot) is the most frequently charged drug crime in Tulsa and throughout Oklahoma. Possession of any amount (even an unusable quantity) of marijuana carries the possibility of jail time and fines. While it is unlikely that a first offense misdemeanor marijuana possession will land a person in jail, there are serious consequences that flow from a possession of marijuana conviction. If you or a loved has been arrested or charged with marijuana possession, it is important that you call a Tulsa Marijuana Lawyer at the Henson Law Firm to protect your rights as soon as possible.


A first offense marijuana possession charge is usually a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. A felony possession of marijuana charge (usually a second or subsequent offense) carries from two to ten years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine. Anyone convicted of misdemeanor or felony marijuana possession under Oklahoma criminal law faces possible jail or prison time, loss of federal student financial aid, fines, loss of their driver’s license, mandatory drug counseling, community service, and probation. A Marijuana Defense Attorney in Tulsa, Oklahoma can defend you against felony or misdemeanor marijuana charges and work to minimize the penalties against you.

Possession of Marijuana Defense in Oklahoma


If you have been arrested or are under investigation for marijuana related offenses, it is critical that you speak to a Tulsa Marijuana Lawyer at the Henson Law Firm. We offer honest legal advice and aggressive representation for individuals accused of marijuana related offenses. The police may have made a mistake when collecting evidence or they may have conducted an illegal search and seizure that can benefit your case, and may even lead to a dismissal of the charges against you.


Need a Marijuana Defense Attorney in Tulsa Oklahoma? Contact us today!